Anxiety and Phobias

Picture it. You are in the eye of a tornado, but it’s not calm. Instead, you are juggling fragile glass balls, each one representing some important piece of your life.

But that’s not all. Around you hover more glass balls, whirling through the air, almost in a mocking parody of a dance. These represent all of the things you have to deal with later. You know it’s coming, just not when. So you keep checking – looking all around for the next attack.

THEN it comes. There’s this figure that whips another really important glass ball into what you’re already juggling (insert maniacal laughter here).

If that weren’t enough, each time you touch one of the balls you’re juggling, you hear devious whispers like:

“What if I’m wrong?”
“What if I’m not good enough?”
“ What if they see I’m a fraud?”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“What if I can’t handle it?”
“What if I didn’t check everything?”
“What if it’s my fault?”
“What if I offend or hurt someone?”
“What if…what if… what if?”

Then, just as you think you might be able to keep it together, you remember you don’t know how to juggle.

Whew! Is it any wonder you’re exhausted?

Two things:

  1. You obviously know how to juggle enough or you wouldn’t have made it this far.
  2. There are ways to step out of the tornado – and by accessing therapy, you’re taking one of them! Let’s do this!

We can tailor your therapy to tackle fears you have. There is a lot of research and many methods backed by that research that gives us plenty of options to find what works for you.

What Does Therapy for Anxiety Look Like?

After the initial meeting, therapy for anxiety usually involves:

  • Specific strategies like EMDR and hypnosis targeting your symptoms (body, mind, and emotional reactions). We might not ever completely identify your triggers, but we can sure do a lot to minimize their effects.
  • Digging deeper to uncover the roots of the anxiety.
  • Talk therapy strategies to minimize or eliminate those roots.

What Might Happen?

After some work, you may begin to:

  • Have fewer racing thoughts.
  • Have fewer intrusive thoughts (the ones that spring out of nowhere and grab you by the throat).
  • Have an easier time making decisions AND be more engaged with life so you can meet your goals.
  • Have more energy.
  • Have fewer physical issues (like upset stomach, tight muscles, sleep problems, heart racing, etc.).
  • Have less __________ and more _________________ (insert what works for you here. For example, less anger and more calm)
  • And more!

Believe it or not, it’s possible!

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