Meet Pooja

Pooja Berman

Pooja Berman

Registered Psychologist

Who Am I?

Life is a journey. An oh so difficult one. But something profound can happen. As Scott Peck wrote in the Road Less Traveled, once we realize and accept this truth, life is no longer difficult.

Of course, this is by no means an easy task and can often feel like a lonely one. That’s where I can help. Hi, I’m Pooja, an East Indian Scottish woman who is trying to make a difference in the world. After completing a MSc in Counselling Psychology in my hometown, I made it all the way here and became a Registered Psychologist in this province.

Within that time, I have had the privilege in working with people who wanted to know more about themselves, improve their relationships and build their potential. This includes people with autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers, people who have experienced trauma, abuse, anxiety and depression.

Having been on both sides of the therapy room, I can understand some of the fears about embarking on a journey with pretty much a stranger. But with our experiences, I provide a sacred space and will connect with you as we journey along the path of growth and healing.

Working With Me

Following an open conversation around the ethical parameters of therapy, the first session (or however many) is about us exploring the breadth of the space around us. It is about getting a feel of one another. You may expect me to ask questions like “what has brought you to therapy?” and I will likely ask some pertinent questions related to your present and past. This can feel comfortable or uncomfortable. Regardless, I go at your pace and respect that you are the expert of your life.

With that being said, there may be times where I’ll reflect something to you and offer insights to help you explore the depth of your emotions and add to your experience. You may find me sharing therapeutic tools that you can use in or out of the therapy room. This includes techniques from Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Hakomi and Somatic Experiencing.

A question I tend to ask is . . . “how would we know that the work we have done in therapy is complete?” That may be an odd thing to ask in the early stages, however beginning with the end in mind can help you maximise your time and give you guidance in how you progress through your therapeutic journey.

I look forward to being on the journey with you.

What’s Next?

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