Connecting with Nature in Spring Can Improve Your Mental Health, Dochas Psychological Services blog
Connecting with Nature in Spring Can Improve Your Mental Health!

It’s Brinnae here on the blog. Let’s talk about connecting with nature in spring to improve your mental health. There’s so much going on in the world, and there seems to be bad news in the headlines daily. It can feel overwhelming. But nature provides a great way to escape the negative news cycle, offering an example of resilience and renewal.

As days get longer, spring is never far from my mind. It’s a tumultuous season, especially in Alberta, where you might see rain, snow, mud, sunshine, and clouds all in the same day. But it’s still one of my favourite times of the year. There’s an impatience, a yearning for change and an influx of positive energy which creeps in as sunshine lingers for just a bit longer, birds begin migrating north once again and snow begins to dissipate for (we hope) the last time. It’s a symbol of being ready for rebirth, reconnection, and rebuilding after a period of rest.

Nature is extra full of natural stimulus in spring, so it’s the perfect time to prioritize connection with the outdoors. In fact, research shows that connecting with nature with body, mind, and all five senses can decrease depression and anxiety symptoms, lower our stress levels, increase concentration, boost positive brain chemicals, improve quality of sleep, and generates lots of positive emotions such as joy, happiness, creativity, or calm as well.

So, what does connection to nature during the spring season look like? Opportunities to connect with nature and ourselves are endless so I’m sharing a few of my go-to activities for our readers below.

Enjoy the Moment

It can be as simple as enjoying the moment! Give yourself permission to take a few moments to simply sit outside in your backyard or in a local green space and observe what is going on around you.

Observe the sun soaking into your skin, notice subtle signs of spring appearing, watch the squirrels chase one another up and down trees, or try identifying birds who have returned from a long vacation. As you tune into nature, take a few deep breaths and use those sights and/or sounds to centre yourself.

Connecting with nature in spring to improve your mental health, Dochas Psychological Services blog

Be Active

For those who want to be more active, try some spring yoga! Take your mat outside and practice poses or stretch while surrounded by the sights, sounds, smells, and colours of nature. Intentional nature walks are also an excellent opportunity to connect with nature, explore your neighbourhood, local green space, or hiking trails for signs of spring. Take some time to check in with yourself as well.

Bring the Outside In

You don’t have to be outdoors to experience the benefits of nature! Indoor green spaces can be created by planting seeds or refreshing house plants. Research shows that interacting with plants (either indoor or outdoor) triggers a release of serotonin which not only lifts our mood but can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression symptoms too. Whether you choose to connect through an indoor or outdoor setting, nature is a place for both healing and personal growth as well as a path to discovering mental well-being and happiness.

So go outside! Connecting with nature in spring offers a great way to improve your mental health. Soak in the sunshine and welcome in all that nature has to offer!

"Nature is a place for both healing and personal growth, as well as a path to discovering mental well-being and happiness." quote, Dochas Psychological Services blog

However, if you feel you’d benefit from a little more professional help navigating your emotions in our unsettled times, you can book an appointment with one of our psychologists at Dochas: get in touch with us by calling us at 780 446 0300 or emailing


Key Takeaway

Connecting with nature in spring has lots of benefits for your mental health! Take a moment to simply enjoy the outdoors, or get active by getting out and exploring the natural world. Or take the outside in by bringing plants or greenery into your home.


Looking for tips to connect with nature in winter? Check out our previous blog on that here.

About Dóchas Psychological

Dóchas Psychological Services is a well-established and trusted therapy clinic located in Spruce Grove, Alberta. At Dóchas we value the idea that everyone deserves a safe space. Through connection and education, our team works hard to build a trustworthy relationship with each of our clients. It is our goal to create a community for our clients to feel like they belong.


Information provided through Dóchas Psychological Services blogs or vlogs is meant for educational purposes only. They are NOT medical or mental health advice. You can read more about our disclaimer here.

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