how to create a better daily routine for your mental wellness blog header
Tips on how to create a better daily routine for your mental wellness

Welcome back to the Dochas blog! It’s Imane here, and I’m excited to share my tips with you on how to create a better daily routine for your mental wellness. 

For some of us, a little bit of chaos in our day is welcomed. For others, structure is an essential need. Whether you categorize yourself as the first or the latter, one thing we all share is a benefit from small changes to our daily routines to help improve our overall quality of life and maximize our mental wellness. 

If you’re interested in upping your mental health game, here are some tips that will make a big impact. 

You don’t have to be a morning person

“Successful people wake up early.” We’ve all heard this in a motivational speech or read it in a business blog, but the truth of the matter is, we’re not all morning people! And that’s quite all right. 

The time you wake up in the morning won’t determine your success. What you do with your day will. 

Pressuring ourselves to meet unrealistic expectations will only add more stress to your day and may eventually push you to opt-out. We don’t want that! 

Set your alarm to whatever time works for you, and then schedule your day accordingly. You don’t have to wake up at 5:00am to be healthy or happy

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Set a morning and night routine

A little bit of structure in your day can really make a difference in your mental health. A morning routine can help you set the tone for your day. This can be as simple as waking up at the same time each morning, taking a shower, getting dressed and enjoying your preferred morning beverage. How we start our day often determines how we spend our day, so it’s important to make your morning routine part of your daily self-care

In the evening, commit to a relaxing routine where you tune out social media and the outside world. Read a book, make a list of your achievements that day, do some stretching (click here for our favourite yoga pose), wash your face. Do things that ground you. This can significantly improve your sleep quality at night, and we all know that a better sleep equals more energy and motivation for the next day! 

Incorporate down-time into your routine

Do you ever have days where you feel constantly stressed, overwhelmed or overworked? If you just nodded your head, then you need to include more down-time into your day.

Take 15 minutes between the events in your day to take a slow walk, do a deep breathing exercise or a grounding technique. Or, if you’re up to it, try this guided meditation exercise.

If you’re prone to stress, incorporate mindfulness into your morning and night routines as a preventative measure. This will make a notable difference in your stress levels during those taxing days. Remember though, mindfulness is not always equatable to meditation. Mindfulness can be a quiet, leisurely walk, a warm shower, or anything that requires a singular focus on something (and relaxes you, of course!). 

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Know your limitations

Are you one of those people who says yes to everyone and their dog, and you somehow end up with 20 things to do in a day? Let’s stop that and instead, set some boundaries

For some of us, our success is equated to the number of tasks we achieve in a day. While it does feel super productive, it’s an unhealthy mindset. It’s not humanly possible to do 20 things at once. It doesn’t mean you’re not capable. 

Be picky about what you say yes to, make your to-do lists shorter, and incorporate you-time into your daily routine. So if you know you have a busy day at work on Monday, don’t commit to helping your neighbour garden that evening. Instead, schedule some family time, watch a movie or take a bath. 

We can’t always schedule our days exactly how we want, so on days where you can’t control the chaos, check in with yourself frequently. If you feel your stress levels creeping up to a two or three out of 10, step away and take a break. 

Make your mental wellness a priority

There are plenty of ways to improve your mental health, and clicking on this blog was a perfect first step. You can tailor your daily routine to be effective for you and support your personal needs so you can thrive each day. 

If you feel you need additional support, feel free to reach out to us! We’d love to help you find ways to manage the stress in your daily life. 



About Dochas Psychological

Dochas Psychological Services is a well-established and trusted therapy clinic located in Spruce Grove, Alberta. At Dochas we value the idea that everyone deserves a safe space. Through connection and education, our team works hard to build a trustworthy relationship with each of our clients. It is our goal to create a community for our clients to feel like they belong.


Information provided through Dochas Psychological Services blogs or vlogs are meant for educational purposes only. They are NOT medical or mental health advice. You can read more about our disclaimer here. 

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