Steps to Savouring a Delightful Cup of Tea: A Mindful Ritual. Dochas Psychological Services blog
Steps to Savouring a Delightful Cup of Tea: A Mindful Ritual
As I sit here writing, the kettle is humming on the stove, and I’ve carefully chosen my cherished mug, a thoughtful gift from my sister. Nestled within the cup, the tea bag eagerly awaits the boiling water.

Hello, it’s Pooja from the Dóchas blog. Today, I’ve embraced the chance to write a contemplative and mindful piece on the art of savouring a delightful cup of tea. Uncertain if you’re a tea enthusiast? Stay with me, and I’ll elaborate on just how significant it can be as a mindful ritual.

Tea and psychology

Growing up in a Punjabi household in Scotland, tea quickly became the favoured remedy for comforting ailments. The fusion of these two cultures seamlessly intertwined, much like water blending with tea leaves. So why highlight it from a psychological perspective? Well, why not? For tea enthusiasts like myself, the act of choosing and savouring a cup of tea holds personal significance. The timing of adding sugar and the desired strength of an English breakfast blend sparked friendly debates among my loved ones; my sister prefers a richer taste while I lean towards a lighter taste. It evolved into light-hearted conversations about individual preferences, ultimately becoming a means to connect with others.

However, for me, the process of preparing tea evolved into a personal ritual. It encompassed all the elements of a familiar routine, which can be regulated. Prior to my career as a psychologist, I worked in emotionally challenging environments where either I or others experienced frequent emotional turmoil. To provide support for myself and my colleagues, making tea became a reliable practice to calm my body. It felt as though in those moments, I could say to myself, “Well, I know how to do this, so let’s make a cup,” as I clicked the kettle. Often, I found myself cradling a well-shaped mug, allowing the warmth to seep into my hands which would often grow cold or numb during times of stress. The hot temperature encouraged me to slow down and patiently wait until it reached the ideal warmth before taking those initial sips. It was during these moments that I would pause, savour the taste, and truly engage with my senses.

Steps to Savouring a Delightful Cup of Tea: A Mindful Ritual. Dochas Psychological services blog

Steps to savouring a delightful cup of tea

Alright, let’s get to the practical steps. Sometimes, we find ourselves lacking time, and that’s when making a cup of tea can become a mere habit, disconnecting us from the present moment and robbing us of enjoyment. Instead, let’s transform this process into a mindful ritual, one that feels purposeful and grounding:

  1. Find a serene space near your tea station and allow yourself to align with your natural breathing rhythm.
  2. Select your favourite mug, the one that brings you joy and comfort.
  3. Choose the type of tea that resonates with your current mood and desires.
  4. Fill the kettle with water and set it to boil.
  5. While waiting for the water to reach its boiling point, bring your attention to your feet, gently release tension in your shoulders, neck, and jaw, and exhale deeply, letting go of any stress.
  6. Pour the boiled water into your cup, observing the mesmerizing dance of steam and the gradual transformation of the water’s colour and the aromatic scent of your chosen tea. Personally, I find it fascinating to watch the tea bag bounce and spin, witnessing the colours blend into the water.
  7. If you prefer, add milk, cream, sugar, or honey to your tea, relishing the soothing sounds produced by the stirring spoon.
  8. Allow the tea to cool slightly, reaching a temperature that feels just right for you.
  9. When the time feels appropriate, embrace the warmth of the mug by cradling it in your hands. Inhale the delightful aroma, feeling the heat of the steam gently caressing your face.
  10.  Take a slow, mindful sip, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the flavour and temperature. Treasure each moment, noticing the sensations and releasing a cleansing sigh. Observe the emotions and sensations arising within you. Repeat this process until you have finished your cup, taking a moment to reflect on how you feel now.

There you have it! I hope this guide offers you the inner tranquilly-tea and relaxation you deserve. And may you find the time for savouring a delightful cup of tea today!

If you’re having trouble grounding yourself with these strategies, I encourage you to reach out and ask us how we can help. You can reach out to us here by calling us at 780 446 0300 or emailing And as always, take care of yourself!

About Dóchas Psychological

Dóchas Psychological Services is a well-established and trusted therapy clinic located in Spruce Grove, Alberta. At Dóchas we value the idea that everyone deserves a safe space. Through connection and education, our team works hard to build a trustworthy relationship with each of our clients. It is our goal to create a community for our clients to feel like they belong.


Information provided through Dóchas Psychological Services blogs or vlogs is meant for educational purposes only. They are NOT medical or mental health advice. You can read more about our disclaimer here.

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