Managing change that comes with the changing seasons, Dochas Psychological Services blog
Managing Change That Comes With the Changing Seasons

Are you going through change as the seasons change right now? It’s Justine here on the Dóchas blog today, and I’m going to talk about managing the change that comes with the changing seasons.

Summer in Alberta flies by too quickly. We look forward to the warmer, sunnier days all year long, looking for that promise of summer: more time with family and friends, fun and relaxation, and time to reflect on the year passed. But it’s too brief! In my opinion, a few warm and sunny months are just not enough. Then we’re pressured by our consumerism society to begin gearing up for the season ahead before we have even settled into the summer. For example, while the temperature often exceeds 25 degrees and we’re still wearing shorts and flip-flops, we notice that there are suddenly advertisements for pumpkin-spiced lattes, fall candles, back-to-school specials, and Halloween pop-up shops on the way to and from the summer barbeque we attend.

Managing change that comes with the changing seasons, Dochas Psychological Services blog

While there are many of us who embrace the change that comes with a new season (and the delicious pumpkin-spiced lattes and fall candles), the change in season can bring a range of complex emotions. Let’s face it, change is also hard for many of us. You’re not alone if you’re experiencing feelings of sadness, grief, anxiety, and apprehension about changes which may come with inevitable life transitions. To make it even more complicated, you can feel both excited and optimistic, or anxious and sad, at the same time! So if you find yourself feeling irritated by the radio advertisement announcing that Starbucks will be launching their new fall drink menu in the middle of August, or feel anxious about the upcoming changes in schedule such as extracurricular school activities and work commitments, it may be helpful to consider the reason for your feelings and to develop strategies that can help you manage your emotions and adjust better to these life changes.

Check in with yourself and your emotions

Ask yourself what you’re feeling. Are you experiencing physical changes such as difficulty sleeping, increased anxiety in relation to upcoming changes, and feelings of sadness? Noticing your emotional and physical experiences is key in being able to manage them.

Be present (if needed)

If you aren’t quite done relishing the summer fun, enjoy the gifts of the season and focus your attention on those things rather than focusing your attention on future plans. Being present helps us experience a greater sense of gratitude and more positive and calming emotions and sensations.

Let go of expectations

If life transitions bring up distressing thoughts and emotions as a result of expectations (for example, I will make sure my kids get to bed at the same time each night, or I will make sure that I’m never late to work this year), try to let go of these expectations and instead make a commitment to do your best and let go of the many factors that we, as human beings, can’t control.

Make changes to your schedule slowly if possible

Whatever changes in your life may result from life transitions such as changing seasons, integrate them gradually if possible so that you can have time to adjust. Check in with your emotions often and determine if the changes in your life are necessary and bring you joy.

"Let's face it - change, including changing seasons, is also hard for many people." Dochas Psychological Services blog

Hopefully this helps you ease your transition into fall! But sometimes periods of change are a little more challenging for some of us, and it’s okay if you need an extra helping hand. If you are in a season of change that you’d like some help to navigate, reach out to us here at Dóchas Psychological Services by email ( or by phone at (780 446 0300).


Navigating the Emotional Transition From Summer to Fall

About Dóchas Psychological

Dóchas Psychological Services is a well-established and trusted therapy clinic located in Spruce Grove, Alberta. At Dóchas we value the idea that everyone deserves a safe space. Through connection and education, our team works hard to build a trustworthy relationship with each of our clients. It is our goal to create a community for our clients to feel like they belong.


Information provided through Dóchas Psychological Services blogs or vlogs is meant for educational purposes only. They are NOT medical or mental health advice. You can read more about our disclaimer here.


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