Managing Back to School Mental Health, Dochas Psychological Services blog
Managing Back to School Mental Health

It’s Jessica here on the Dóchas blog today to talk about managing mental health and self-care. Now that we’ve gotten back into the groove of school, we might be feeling a little burnt out or frazzled. Here are some ways to navigate this.

Managing Back to School Mental Health, Dochas Psychological Services blog

Coming Down from the September Chaos 

As either a student yourself or the parent of a student, September is always a hectic whirlwind of activities and emotions. You have to learn to navigate new schedules, classes, teachers, and people all while trying to stay on top of the other parts of your lives. No matter how well you prepare for September, it always feels overwhelming (or like a slap in the face).

It is common to be exhausted and stressed during the first month of school and feel like you’re running on adrenaline. But on the bright side, you survived it! Now that you’ve made it to October, things have started to settle down and that school routine is feeling a little bit more normal. However, I have this inkling that you’re feeling you just ran a marathon—well, that’s because you did!

Let’s talk about some ways to mentally recuperate as we head into midterms and finals season.

Time for a Mental Health Check-In

Burnout is common among students and parents of school-age children and it can lead to anxiety, heightened stress, fatigue, and lower moods. A simple way to combat these symptoms is to do a mental health check-in with yourself on a daily or weekly basis. This is easy to incorporate into your life and can be done whenever you have spare time between classes or when your kiddos are at school.

Start by asking yourself “how am I feeling today?” and note both the mental (i.e., anxious, overwhelmed, depressed) and the physical aspects. It is helpful to acknowledge these feelings and accept where your body and mind are at.

You can also ask yourself “am I providing my body with its basic needs?” and determine if you are caring for your body by getting enough sleep, drinking water, eating, and incorporating some movement every day.

Finally (and I think this one is crucial), “what am I doing to bring myself joy?” and reflect on the fun things you’re doing! If you find that your answers to these questions aren’t where you’d like them to be, try accessing your personal and educational supports and practicing self-care.

Practice Self-Care Activities

I know we’ve all heard it before, but self-care really is important for our overall well-being. And to boot, it can—and should be—enjoyable! Self-care is one way we can support our mental health and improve learning, studying, and all the demands of being a student or parenting students. Here are some ideas for different areas of self-care that are quick and easy to incorporate into your schedule:


  • Practice mindfulness (e.g., journalling, meditation)
  • Listen to music or a podcast
  • Be aware of your emotional boundaries


  • Go for a walk or do your favourite physical activities
  • Take a short nap
  • Have a relaxing bath or shower


  • Make time for friends/family
  • Ask for help when you need it
  • Try new social activities

Managing Back to School Mental Health, Dochas Psychological Services blog

I hope that these activities and strategies can help make your transition back into school a little easier. School is tough and I encourage you to have some self-compassion and patience with yourself as you navigate your or your child’s education. If you are finding you need some extra help on your journey, reach out to us here at Dóchas Psychological Services by email ( or by phone at (780 446 0300).



About Dóchas Psychological

Dóchas Psychological Services is a well-established and trusted therapy clinic located in Spruce Grove, Alberta. At Dóchas we value the idea that everyone deserves a safe space. Through connection and education, our team works hard to build a trustworthy relationship with each of our clients. It is our goal to create a community for our clients to feel like they belong.


Information provided through Dóchas Psychological Services blogs or vlogs is meant for educational purposes only. They are NOT medical or mental health advice. You can read more about our disclaimer here.

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