Dochas Psychological Services
Low-cost Counselling at Dochas

We’re excited to announce that Dochas is now able to offer low-cost counselling with our Practicum Interns!

What does this mean?

This means we have therapists in training who need experience, and who are observed and supported by Kim. These therapists are in the last phase of their degree; which means they’ve completed all the educational work they just need the practice under the supervision of a Registered Psychologist before they can graduate.

How does it work?

Low-cost counselling is $25 per session, making therapy more accessible. If you’re interested, give the Dochas office a call at 780-446-0300 or email us at and let us know.

Is the sliding scale available with other therapists at Dochas?

Not all therapists at Dochas offer sliding scale and this is determined on a case-by-case basis. Low-cost counselling is only available with supervised practicum students.

Here’s some more information about our current practicum students:

Our three current practicum students—Justine, Brinnae, and Rachael—are finishing their Masters level work before becoming Registered Psychologists. You can find all about each of them by clicking on their names.


So if you know of anyone looking for high-quality therapy but might not have been able to afford it, give the office a call at 780 446 0300 or email us at

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