Hey, it’s Imane here on the Dóchas blog! Today I’m going to be breaking down the psycho-ed process.
Are you or your child struggling to manage daily life stressors, relationships, work and/or school? Then a psychological assessment may be of interest to you! The word “assessment” can certainly sound scary and intimidating. I want you to feel reassured that it’s not about passing or failing; it’s about digging deeper, so we know the best route to take to help.
First, a psycho-educational assessment is a psychological assessment that offers an in-depth understanding of your child’s strengths and challenges. The assessment uses standardized testing to evaluate cognitive functioning, academic achievement, and social/emotional and behavioural functioning. It also involves reviewing school records, observations, and interviews. Sounds like a lot? I promise it’s a process that is worth exploring, and we’re here to guide you through it.
The cost
While the cost of a psycho-ed assessment can be high, it can be extremely beneficial as the information it provides can not only access specialized services and funding to support your child but also provide insight into how parents can help their child optimize learning, reduce feelings of frustration, and increase confidence. Most importantly, a psychoeducational assessment can help families and children effectively advocate for their needs.
At Dóchas, we offer psychoeducation assessments at a discounted rate of $2,000, including an intake meeting, assessment sessions, interpretation and report writing, and a follow-up session where you will be debriefed on the assessment results.
The Psycho-Ed Process
When you come in for an assessment, you will typically go to an office and sit with the assessment psychologist for a few hours, who will spend time learning about you through interview methods and formal testing. Then, after one or two meetings with you, they will take all that information and spend several hours analyzing the data.
I have included a visual breakdown of this process below:
Graphic created by Rachael Obst
Intake meeting: The intake meeting is the next step in breaking down the psycho-ed process. The meeting will begin by reviewing the informed consent, followed by an in-depth discussion about your goals, concerns, and questions. We will discuss the family background, academic history, social development, behaviours, and areas of strength/challenge. Any questions you may have about the process will also be answered!
Assessment sessions: The formal assessment typically involves two or three sessions of working directly with your child. During these sessions, your child will complete various tasks measuring reasoning skills, academic achievement, learning, and executive functions. Additional areas may be evaluated as needed. Parents and teachers may be asked to complete various rating scales and forms for further information. To follow is an intensive behind-the-scenes portion of the process where the psychologist scores, interprets, and integrates the results from the assessment measures and interviews to create a comprehensive report.
Feedback meeting: Finally, you will meet with your psychologist to discuss the assessment results, which include a detailed description of your child’s current levels of functioning in the areas assessed, a diagnosis if appropriate, and recommendations of how to support your child best. You will receive a copy of the comprehensive report at this time and the opportunity to address any additional questions.
Moving forward with the Psycho-Ed Process
I know that a common concern for many parents is the cost of the assessment. The cost will be divided into 2 -3 payments, with part due at the intake session and the remaining payments due at the subsequent assessment sessions. Additionally, most of the cost can sometimes be covered through insurance under mental health services or your health spending account. If there is any financial hardship or barrier to accessing assessment services, you can also speak to the office manager and director regarding payment and options. Please let me know if you have any further questions about getting a psycho-educational assessment with Dochas or need help finding alternative service providers. I’d be more than happy to assist!
At Dóchas, we know how this can all be overwhelming. We work diligently to create a welcoming and safe environment to take the trauma out of assessment. Our assessment professionals are extremely knowledgeable and caring, creating exactly the balance we want in assessment psychology: receiving accurate and helpful information while respecting who you are and your needs in the testing environment. We’re happy to help with breaking down the psycho-ed process with you.
Please reach out and ask us how we can help. You can contact us here at 780 446 0300 or email info@dochaspsychologicalservices.com.
We also have this great resource page about the the Psycho-Ed Process: https://www.dochaspsych.com/work-with-us/assessments/
About Dóchas Psychological
Dóchas Psychological Services is a well-established and trusted therapy clinic located in Spruce Grove, Alberta. At Dóchas we value the idea that everyone deserves a safe space. Through connection and education, our team works hard to build a trustworthy relationship with each of our clients. It is our goal to create a community for our clients to feel like they belong.
Information provided through Dóchas Psychological Services blogs or vlogs is meant for educational purposes only. They are NOT medical or mental health advice. You can read more about our disclaimer here.