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Avoid Burnout: 5 Tips You Can Use Before It Happens

Burnout… it’s a word we hear a lot, but what actually is it? We might not be sure how to identify burnout in ourselves, or how to avoid burnout. For starters, burnout is the accumulation of life stress that results in a state of mental and physical exhaustion. It often shows up as a lack of energy and a limited ability to enjoy many parts of your life, such as friendships, family, school or work. It also zaps every ounce of patience out of you, leaving you unable to deal effectively with daily life stressors—in other words, you have a bit of a short temper.

Lack of energy, lack of enjoyment—that does not sound like fun! So how do you deal with it? Well, the best way to deal with burnout is before it happens! Burnout is something we all experience, so when we know what it is and how to recognize it, we can take steps to reduce its impact when life stress starts to accumulate. If you wait until burnout happens to deal with it, you’ll probably reach the point where the only thing that could fix your burnout is a vacation to a random island far away from all the things that cause you stress! Since most of us can’t afford to do that, here are five tips that you can implement when you start feeling stressed so you don’t get to that point.

the best way to deal with burnout is before it happens, dochas blog quote

Tips to Avoid Burnout

1. Understand the signs of your burnout and check-in with yourself often

It’s hard to recognize when you’re burning out if you don’t know what the signs of burnout are, isn’t it? But if you know what burnout is, you can check in with yourself and recognize the signs of burnout early. Take a step back and notice when you are starting to feel exhausted. Notice when you’re isolating yourself, or when you’re more irritable than usual.

Some signs of burnout are exhaustion, isolation, and irritability. You might notice you are frequently retreating into escape fantasies. Another sign to watch out for is frequent illness—our bodies can react to stress by getting sick. When you start to notice some of these signs, you can take a step back and consider whether you are on the road to burnout.

2. Know your limits

We all have limits. It’s completely human to have limits! And as we go through life, we get to know ourselves and know what is more than we can handle. When you know one of your limits, you will have a good idea of what is too much and what might lead you to burnout.

Do you know how much you can work before you exhaust yourself? If you know this, you can do things like taking breaks, scheduling days off, and scheduling in fun or family time. 

We often feel like we should be able to handle “more,” and so we power through. But it’s okay to take a break! In fact, knowing where your limits are will help you in the long run because you won’t spend as much time recovering from burnout.

3. Implement you time

An important piece of avoiding burnout is taking care of yourself. This means things like exercising, eating well, and practicing good sleep hygiene. When you feel healthy and rested, you will feel more confident about tackling the ups and downs of life.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is when you purposefully become aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the present moment. When your mind is very full, this can be a helpful technique to relax the mind and body (though many who practice mindfulness would say it is a helpful practice to use even when you’re not stressed.) A similar skill we discussed on this blog before is grounding techniques. Activities like yoga are also great for focusing yourself on the present—or even just giving yourself some quiet time.

avoid burnout five tips dochas blog

5. Ask for help

Sometimes life is more than we can handle on our own—and the good news is that we’re not supposed to handle everything alone. Reach out to your social circle for support. Friends and family and others you know may be able to give you a hand, or give you space to talk. Another support you can look for is support at work. Many workplaces have resources and supports for employees experiencing burnout.


And maybe you need a little extra help as you go through a stressful time. Know that mental health professionals, including us here at Dóchas, are here to help. If you are in need of additional support, please consult with a mental health professional. Click here to connect with a Dochas Psychological Professional.



About Dóchas Psychological

Dóchas Psychological Services is a well-established and trusted therapy clinic located in Spruce Grove, Alberta. At Dóchas we value the idea that everyone deserves a safe space. Through connection and education, our team works hard to build a trustworthy relationship with each of our clients. It is our goal to create a community for our clients to feel like they belong.


Information provided through Dóchas Psychological Services blogs or vlogs is meant for educational purposes only. They are NOT medical or mental health advice. You can read more about our disclaimer here. 


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