Meet Renee Prins

Renee Prins

Renee Prins

Practicum Intern

Who Am I?

Hello, my name is Renee Prins and I am so excited to be joining the team at Dóchas Psychological! I am a mother, wife, sister, friend, aunt, and daughter – in all these roles, I treasure my relationships. I love running, volleyball, hiking, swimming, skiing… all the sports. I also love traveling, reading a good book, and listening to podcasts while I tinker in my yard.

What drew me into this profession was the opportunity to create a space where people could feel supported and cared for. There is something profound that happens when two people meet in a therapeutic space and create a relationship together, like fellow travellers on a journey. The simple act of helping another person understand they are not alone, and that their feelings are normal, can be transformative.

Working With Me

What I offer is a depth of personal experience, now turned into passion, for issues related to reproductive mental health, grief, hospice, marriage, and parenting. I am committed to supporting clients with diverse life experiences, facilitating their journey of loss, grief, healing, and growth. Working with clients from a trauma-informed perspective means that healing work begins through facilitating empathetic witnessing of parts of themselves that still hold the pain.

Another population I would love the opportunity to work with are teens! I have a knack for connecting with them and am passionate about supporting and mentoring them as they explore uncertain and, at times, daunting futures. I consider it an honour to share space with clients in their vulnerable moments.

Also, I believe that not everyone who comes to therapy must be in crisis! Part of looking after our overall wellbeing is attending to our mental health. This can mean optimizing our strategies for self-care, goal setting, and working on becoming more self-aware and self-actualized. By caring for ourselves, we can show up as the best version of who we are for our families, friends, careers… you name it! I am dedicated to empowering my clients to reach their potential.

If any of this resonates with you, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. I would be honoured to journey alongside you.

What’s Next?

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